
Sarah's Super Salad

Hello everyone, 

I hope you had an amazing week! Yeah the only reason I can sound chirpy about it, is because it's FINALLY Friday!

I have to say I am quite impressed that you made it so far in spite of a less than attractive title! I mean seriously, when I read healthy food and salad, this is what comes to my mind: 

But none of this for us today, it's Friday, we want Happy Food! So, because I am such a cool blogger and only because I really love you, I am going to share the Super Secret of Sarah's Super Salad. Sarah is one of my two lovely flatmates: one of her new year resolutions was to eat healthier food. See, in her situation, I would have made if for what, 2 weeks? That is, if I can eat all the junk I want on Sundays, 1 week otherwise. I know, I tried. Yet Sarah's been keeping it up so far, and she's not even depressed or grumpy (my new hero)! How does she do it? I kept wondering... until I realised that when Sarah says healthy, what she means is none of the above nightmares. She means this:

The yummiest, most filling and gorgeous salad you ever had! This is one she shared with me on a day of great need - I was swamped and panicky in the middle of making a wedding cake for a friend (I'll tell you that story some time), I had somehow overlooked the need for food in my planning of the day, and was about to scoff down a bowl of cheese loaded pasta - when Sarah offered me to share her salad. Well, this was as filling and even more satisfying than my cheesy pasta (and we do not under estimate the comforting power of cheesy pasta!). It tastes even better than it looks and it's so simple (and healthy, for those who care). 

There's any number of possible combinations, but here is the list of ingredients Sarah gave me when I asked her if I could share her recipe here:
  • Avocado
  • Mushrooms
  • Yellow and/or orange peppers, 
  • Tomatoes
  • Lettuce or baby spinach
  • Carrots
  • Blueberries (you can use seasonal fruits, like apple or pear)
  • Cashew nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds...)
  • Hard boiled eggs (or semi-hard boiled, that's 6min from boiling point)
  • Pepper, salt, olive oil, balsamic vinegar (whichever dressing you like)
Just chop little bites of everything and mix for colour. Remove things you don't like, add others you like: it is THAT simple! Great for a hangover day or to start the week with loads of energy. 

Enjoy and let us know if you try it! 

Have fun this weekend, L. and I are having Aligot on Saturday (French regional cheesy specialty), maybe a new recipe for next week...


PS: If you've read this, please leave a comment! We love sharing but it's a bit sad not knowing if anyone's visiting...

5 commentaires:

  1. I never would have thought to put blueberries in a salad, but otherwise, seems yummy. As my crazy sister would say, it's spring already, time to eat salad for every meal! ;)

    1. Blueberries work very nicely! Where does your sister live? Spring is not for another few months (years?) here!

    2. In Paris. Any day over ten degrees and she thinks it's spring... Crazy, I told you!

    3. Yeah you told me and I'm starting to believe you! ;)
